1 min read

The Broken See-Saw: Work-Life Balance in a Community Manager’s World

Nov 15th, 2021
  • Community Author

    Community Author


The work of community managers focuses on putting others first, which can lead to burnout, exhaustion, and lack of balance.

Holly Firestone, Vice President of Community, shares what she's done wrong when it comes to work-life balance, how she struggles with putting herself first, and what it took for her to get to the balance and self-care she practices now. Here are some call-outs:

  • To serve your communities better, be better about serving yourself.
  • Build relationships internally.
  • Trust your team and empower them to make decisions, then delegate.
  • Demand support from leadership when you need it.
  • Take a break and celebrate your wins.

Read more about Holly's experience and her full advice on this Medium post and its follow up.