This report highlights the lived experiences of 136 Developer Relations professionals. It offers data focused on compensation, roles and responsibilities, expectations, and personal wellbeing in the industry in an effort to present a holistic view of a career in DevRel. With it, we hope to empower more informed conversations for everyone in the community.
Highlights from the report:
Special thanks to DevRel builders everywhere who shared their experience with us, and to Mary Thengvall, Tessa Kriesel, Shawn Wang, Ahmad Awais, Wesley Faulkner, PJ Hagerty, Ed Finkler, Matty Stratton, Daniel Reis, the DevRelX team at SlashData, and the team at Hoopy for their feedback on survey design, their help in distributing the survey to DevRel leaders around the world, and their input on the final report.
To review insights from last year, check out the 2022 Developer Relations compensation report.
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