Paid ceiling threshold approached

Why it matters

When a free trialist or freemium user reaches a ceiling on what they can do in your product without paying, it means it’s time to reach out. The same goes if it’s a paying customer who’s hitting a wall on their current plan.

Whether they need more seats, more API calls, or just more features and functionalities, the buying intent is clear.

What to do

Whether you’re asking someone to swipe their credit card for the first time or move up a plan level, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to say yes.

A no-pressure message highlighting how your pricing works, which options may make the most sense for their needs, and examples of existing customers in the same industry can go a long way.

Questions to inform outreach

How to do it

Here are some outbound templates to help you get the creative juices flowing:

Outbound template for paid ceiling threshold approached by non-paying customerOutbound template for paid ceiling threshold approached by paying customer
rocket ship blasting off

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