
GTM intelligence for OSS

Aggregate activity across your developer community and any channel where developers are active—all in one place. Build workflows to automate the not-so-fun parts of the job away.

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Standout DevRel teams choose Common Room

Reveal who's in your repo

Reveal who's in your repo

Identify active customers, champions, and influencers in your GitHub repo with real-time identity enrichment and auto-tagging. Do the same across other dev-centric sources like Discord,, Stack Overflow, and Reddit to track all developer activity in one place.

Triage without the trauma

Triage without the trauma

Stop jumping from one tab to the next to assist your developer community. Stack rank your burn-down list by type of issue, user persona, duration without a response, and hundreds of other filters.

Automate the unfun away

Automate the unfun away

Auto-detect signals from developers, like topics of interest, bugs, questions, and feedback. Build workflows to tag users and reach them with personalized Slack or Discord DMs—all while you're away.

Discord verification & onboarding

Discord verification and onboarding

Personalize your Discord (or Slack) onboarding flows by user actions, firmographics, and hundreds of other user traits and signals. Verify Discord users by email with our super simple verification bot.


What our customers have to say

"Using Common Room, we can search for people who are mentioning deployments, or who are mentioning AI or ML, alongside Replit. We can immediately reach out to those people and signal boost the features that they’re using."

  • Lena Vu Sawyer

    Lena Vu Sawyer

    Customer Success Manager

    Replit logo

"Common Room gives us the tools to better identify and nurture the product champions that power our growth flywheel."

  • Chris Riley

    Chris Riley

    Senior Manager of Developer Relations

    HubSpot logo

"We chose Common Room for the ability to see our member activity all in one place and understand what’s happening across all community channels."

  • Anna Filippova

    Anna Filippova

    Senior Director of Data

    dbt Labs logo

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