
Last updated Aug 28th, 2024

Filters are a property on any Contact, Organization, or Activity within Common Room by which data can be organized, enabling you to learn more about your Contacts. This doc contains a comprehensive list of all available filters in Common Room.

Advanced filters

Advanced filters allow you to create complex filter conditions to narrow down Contacts, Organizations, or Activities. These can be used alongside basic filters anywhere where filters are available in Common Room.

Filter groups

Filter groups can be used to create complex filter sets made up of individual filters, or sub-groups of filters, making it easier to find specific Contacts in your community.

  1. Open the Contacts page and click +Add filter.
  2. Click Filter group and begin adding in filter conditions from the available options.
  3. Select if you want to match any or match all of the filter conditions you set.
  4. Add more filters or sub-groups of filters as needed.
  5. Save each filter group you create.

Conditional Filters

For objects in Common Room that may have a 1:N relationship with another object, our conditional filtering feature allows you to specify filters on the related object to ensure it meets all of the criteria. If you have a use case where you want to find organizations that have a Salesforce Opportunity that is in Stage X and greater than $Y, you would want to use the conditional filter option when building your filters for Salesforce Opportunities:

More broadly, any time you see the conditional filter icon in the filter bar it is letting you know there are potentially many related records related to this field. When using the conditional filter, you have the ability to be specific about the record meeting many criteria.

Currently, conditional filtering applies to the following objects in Common Room:

Activity count

Activity count allows you to count activity across any signals that you've integrated with Common Room, and create filters to focus on Contacts based on their activity.

As an example, you may want to track active contributors in your GitHub repository over the last month. Start by clicking the dropdown menu next to the filter button in the menu bar, and selecting Activity count. Then, select the GitHub activities that are important to you; in this example, you'd want to filter for Contacts who have one or more pull requests that were submitted, closed, and merged within the last month.

You can add as many Activity count filters for as many signals as you'd like. Once you've finished adding in the Activity count criteria, click "Save" to apply the filter.

Contact filters

Select a signal to only see Contacts who have engaged with you through that signal (like Twitter or Slack). When you adjust the Signals filter, the First seen, First active, and Last active columns automatically update to reflect the selected signals.
Contact tags
Select a default Common Room Contact tags and/or your own custom tags to filter Contacts by attribute.
Contact segment
Filter by Contacts who were added to a segment.
Filter by Contacts who have a certain title (titles are related to a Contact’s position in an organization, like Director or Manager)
Filter by Contacts who have a certain role (roles are related to a Contact’s function within an organization, like Engineering or Marketing)
Where a Contact is geographically located, grouped by region (like North America or APAC) and location (like Seattle, WA). If a region is selected it will include all individual locations associated with their region.
Impact points
Impact points reflect a Contact or organization’s overall impact in your community. Different Contact activities are weighted based on their significance. Learn more
Programming language
The programming language associated with a Contact in developer-focused community signals. Programming languages come from Github (we detect the programming languages of the repositories they have contributed to on Github), StackOverflow (we check if the user has any tags that match the name of a programming language), and manual user entry (eg, by editing a Contact’s profile).
First active
The first date of Contact initiated activity captured in Common Room.
Last active
The most recent date of Contact initiated activity captured in Common Room.
First seen
Date on which a Contact was first seen in any of your connected signals.
Active between
A customizable date range for when a Contact was last active in your community.
Job change
When a Contact's job has changed in the past six months.
Select whether your internal team Contacts appear in the results. Note that the concept of team Contacts applies only to Common Room instances associated with company domains.
Activity level
How active a Contact is across your community relative to other Contacts.
Has organization
If a Contact has an organization associated with their profile.
Has any email
Filter by Contacts that have any email address associated with their profile.
Has primary email
Filter by Contacts that have a primary email address, an important concept in data exports and outbound syncs.
Has phone number
Filter by Contacts that have a phone number associated with their profile.
Has team notes
If a Contact has any shared notes added by you or your teammates.
Has content
Content posted by a Contact across any connected signals.
Has proposed merges
Contact profiles that Common Room suggests to review and merge.
Custom fields
Custom fields specific to your Common Room configuration. These can be created and managed from within Common Room or could be imported via external integrations (e.g. Snowflake, Census, Hightouch). This filter won't display if you haven't set up any custom fields.

Activity filters

Filter associated with Contact activity from your Contact and Organizations, like sentiment, topics, and trending conversations. Learn more.

Activity tags
Filter by Contacts that have an activity tag X on any activity. Activity tags allow you to group content by type, such as feedback on a new feature release, or to create a customized grouping of selected activities.
Filter by Contacts that have activities with positive or negative sentiment. Sentiment is determined using natural language processing (NLP) technology and is only applied when content is deemed positive or negative.
Filter by Contacts that have activities with a product category. Common Room automatically surfaces product complaints, feature requests, bugs / issues, product questions, activity with content attached, and more within your activities.
Filter by Contacts that have activities for a specific topic
Keyword search
Filter by Contacts that have activities that match a keyword
Survey answers
Filter by Contacts that have answered a survey answers
Content attached
Filter by Contacts that have content attached to an activity
Filter by Contacts that has reply, no reply, or no reply required tag on an activity.
Team replies
Filter by teammates who have or haven’t replied to activity in your community.
Trending conversations
Filter by Contacts that have activities in trending conversations
Activity origin
Filter by activities that are Contact initiated (default) or those that are received by Contacts.

Organization filters

Filters associated with Contact organizations, like size, annual revenue, and industry. Learn more.

Organization tags
Select one of your own custom tags to filter Contacts based on specific attributes of the organizations they work at. To learn more, see Organization Tags .
Organization segment
Filter by Organizations who are part of an Organization segment that you’ve created.
Organization size
Filter Organizations by total number of employees.
Contact count
Filter by Organizations who have Contacts between a numbered range that you provide.
Annual revenue
Filter Organizations within specified ranges of annual revenue.
Capital raised
Filter Organizations by the amount of money they have raised, according to public data signals.
Filter to Organizations in a specific industry.
First seen
Date which an Organization was first seen in the community. This date is determined by the earliest community activity by any Contact in the Organization.
First active
Filter by the first date an active Contact of the Organization was captured in Common Room.
Last active
Filter by the most recent date an active Contact of the Organization was captured in Common Room.
Orgs with recent sentiment
Filter by Organizations that have an associated sentiment (the percent of negative and positive sentiment across all community activity across all employees in the Organization).
Where an Organization’s headquarters is geographically located.
Has team note
Filter by if a teammate has added a note to an Organization.
Filter by a specific Organization name.
Fastest growing
These Organizations have the highest growth based on % of new Contacts that joined that Organization in the last 7 days.
Tech stack
The software technologies that an Organization is using.

Signal-Specific Filters


API Contact Stats
# of Links added
# of Articles added
# of Gatherings attended
# of Gatherings presented
# of Gatherings registered
# of Gathering registered to speak
# of Case studies provided
# of Advisory boards joined
# of Trainings enrolled
# of Trainings started
# of Trainings completed
# of Training materials created
# of Champion programs enrolled
# of Webinar registrations
# of Webinars attended
# of Webinars presented
# of Webinars hosted
# of Champion program applications
# of Champion program graduations
# of Swag orders
# of Sticker orders
# of Swag requests
# of Sticker requests
# of Swag received
# of Stickers received
# of Groups joined
# of Topics
# of Replies
# of Reactions
# of Group chats
# of Badges
# of Videos uploaded
# of Photos uploaded
# of Tagged
# of Surveys received
# of Surveys answered
# of Emails received
# of Emails sent
# of LinkedIn messages received
# of LinkedIn messages sent
# of SMS received
# of SMS sent
# of WhatsApp received
# of WhatsApp sent
# of Calls with no answer
# of Answered calls
# of Calls
# of Meetings accepted
# of Meetings booked
# of Meetings attended
# of Meetings hosted
# of Newsletters subscribed
# of Discovery calls attended
# of Product feedbacks
# of Early access requested
# of Early access participated
# of Feature requests
# of Ideas
# of Activity feature idea
# of Attended roadmap call
# of Identified power user
# of Tickets created
# of Issues commented
# of Issues updated
# of Pull requests created
# of Pull requests merged
# of Commits merged
# of Gifts sent
# of Gifts received
# of Rewards redeemed
# of Referrals
# of Rewards eligible for
# of Rewards declined
# of Transactions completed
# of Deals created
# of Deals closed
# of Product signups
# of Other


# of Posts
# of Replies
# of Reactions
# of Non-self replies
Discord roles


# of Topics
# of Replies
# of Non-self replies


# of Chapter joins
# of Event registrations
# of Event check-ins
# of Chapter team joins


# of Articles
# of Comments


# of Posts
# of Replies
# of Reactions
# of Non-self replies
Discord roles


# of Topics
# of Replies
# of Non-self replies


# of Issue comments
# of Pull request comments
# of Pull requests submitted
# of Pull requests closed
# of Pull requests merged
# of Issues
# of Stars
# of Discussions started
# of Discussions answered
# of Discussion comments
# of Commits merged
# of Forks
GitHub languages


# of Meetings attended
# of Marketing emails received
# of Forms submitted
# of Emails sent
# of Emails received
Contact Closed Date
Contact Created Date
Contact HubSpot Score
Contact Last Contacted
Contact Last Marketing Email Open Date
Contact Last Website Visit
Contact Lead Status
Contact Lifecycle Stage
Contact Original Signal
Contact Original Source Drilldown (1)
Contact Original Source Drilldown (2)
Contact Owner
Contact Role (Onboarding)
Contact Total Marketing Emails Delivered
Contact Total Marketing Emails Opened
Contact Total Webpage Views
Marketing Emails Last Open Date
Marketing Emails Opened
Annual contract value (ACV)
Annual recurring revenue (ARR)
Commercial Subscription Type
Company Close Date
Company CR250
Company Created Date
Company Days to Close
Company Discord Community
Company Discourse Community
Company Exec Watch List
Company Has Community Function
Company Has DevRel Function
Company Has Insided Community
Company Has Khoros Community
Company Has Slack Community
Company ICP Account
Company ICP Tier
Company Is Target Account
Company Lead Status
Company Lifecycle Stage
Company Number of Github Followers
Company Number of Github Repos
Company Number of Github Stars
Company Number of Open Deals
Company Owner
Company Recent Deal Closed Date
Company SDR Owner
Company Total Revenue
CSM Owner
Deal Closed Date
Deal Created Date
Deal Owner
Deal Stage
HubSpot Deal Onboarding Completed
HubSpot Deal Onboarding Escalation Reason
HubSpot Deal Onboarding Start Date
HubSpot Deal Onboarding Status
HubSpot Deal One-time Onboarding Fee
HubSpot Deal Type
Monthly recurring revenue (MRR)
Total Deal Value


# of Conversations
# of Ideas
# of Questions
# of Articles
# of Product updates
# of Replies
# of Answers


# of Messages
# of Replies


# of Articles
# of Discussions
# of Questions
# of Replies
# of Answers
# of Ideas
# of Non-self replies


# of Posts
# of Comments
# of Reactions

Manual entry

# of Links added
# of Articles added
# of Gatherings attended
# of Gatherings presented
# of Gatherings registered
# of Gathering registered to speak
# of Case studies provided
# of Advisory boards joined
# of Trainings enrolled
# of Trainings started
# of Trainings completed
# of Training materials created
# of Champion programs enrolled
# of Webinar registrations
# of Webinars attended
# of Webinars presented
# of Webinars hosted
# of Champion program applications
# of Champion program graduations
# of Swag orders
# of Sticker orders
# of Swag requests
# of Sticker requests
# of Swag received
# of Stickers received
# of Groups joined
# of Topics
# of Replies
# of Reactions
# of Group chats
# of Badges
# of Videos uploaded
# of Photos uploaded
# of Tagged
# of Surveys received
# of Surveys answered
# of Emails received
# of Emails sent
# of LinkedIn messages received
# of LinkedIn messages sent
# of SMS received
# of SMS sent
# of WhatsApp received
# of WhatsApp sent
# of Calls with no answer
# of Answered calls
# of Calls
# of Meetings accepted
# of Meetings booked
# of Meetings attended
# of Meetings hosted
# of Newsletters subscribed
# of Discovery calls attended
# of Product feedbacks
# of Early access requested
# of Early access participated
# of Feature requests
# of Ideas
# of Activity feature idea
# of Attended roadmap call
# of Identified power user
# of Tickets created
# of Issues commented
# of Issues updated
# of Pull requests created
# of Pull requests merged
# of Commits merged
# of Gifts sent
# of Gifts received
# of Rewards redeemed
# of Referrals
# of Rewards eligible for
# of Rewards declined
# of Transactions completed
# of Deals created
# of Deals closed
# of Product signups
# of Other


# of Posts


# of Group joins
# of Event registrations
# of Event attends
Event name


# of posts
# of replies


Account Owner Email
Account Owner Name
Account Type
Commercial Subscription Type - SFDC
CSM Owner Name
CSM Owner (Oppty)
ICP Tier
Keyplay Tier
Lead Source
Licensed Seats
Opportunity Amount
Opportunity Closed Date
Opportunity Owner Name
Opportunity Stage
Opportunity Type
SDR Opportunity Owner Email
SDR Opportunity Owner Name
SDR Owner Name

Salesforce Experience Cloud

# of Posts
# of Comments
# of Non-self replies
# of Best Answers


# of Orders


# of Courses enrolled
# of Courses completed


# of Posts
# of Replies
# of Non-self replies
# of Reactions

Stack Overflow

# of Questions
# of Answers
# of Comments


# of Tweets
# of Retweets
# of Replies
# of Quote tweets


# of Videos uploaded
# of Comments


# of Links added
# of Articles added
# of Gatherings attended
# of Gatherings presented
# of Gatherings registered
# of Gathering registered to speak
# of Case studies provided
# of Advisory boards joined
# of Trainings enrolled
# of Trainings started
# of Trainings completed
# of Training materials created
# of Champion programs enrolled
# of Webinar registrations
# of Webinars attended
# of Webinars presented
# of Webinars hosted
# of Champion program applications
# of Champion program graduations
# of Swag orders
# of Sticker orders
# of Swag requests
# of Sticker requests
# of Swag received
# of Stickers received
# of Groups joined
# of Topics
# of Comments or replies
# of Reactions
# of Group chats
# of Badges
# of Videos uploaded
# of Photos uploaded
# of Tagged
# of Surveys received
# of Surveys answered
# of Emails received
# of Emails sent
# of LinkedIn messages received
# of LinkedIn messages sent
# of SMS received
# of SMS sent
# of WhatsApp received
# of WhatsApp sent
# of Calls with no answer
# of Answered calls
# of Calls
# of Meetings accepted
# of Meetings booked
# of Meetings attended
# of Meetings hosted
# of Newsletters subscribed
# of Discovery calls attended
# of Product feedbacks
# of Early access requested
# of Early access participated
# of Feature requests
# of Ideas
# of Activity feature idea
# of Attended roadmap call
# of Identified power user
# of Tickets created
# of Issues commented
# of Issues updated
# of Pull requests created
# of Pull requests merged
# of Commits merged
# of Gifts sent
# of Gifts received
# of Rewards redeemed
# of Referrals
# of Rewards eligible for
# of Rewards declined
# of Transactions completed
# of Deals created
# of Deals closed
# of Product signups
# of Other
# of Hosted gathering
# of Users imported

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