Scores Guide

Last updated Aug 28th, 2024


Room admins can create custom scoring models for Contacts and Orgs using all fields available in Common Room. Each scoring model is composed of two primary components:

  • Rules - Scoring models are composed of rules. Those rules can be classified as Fit or Behavior. Each rule is limited to a single field at a time (e.g. build a rule using Job Title).
  • Parameters - Rules are composed of parameters. Parameters are the specific values from the field that you want to use in scoring. For example, with Job Titles you may want to specify that Contacts whose titles include “marketing” is your most important parameter.

Admins can bucket rules into Fit and Behavior rules. Fit and behavioral rules can then be weighted on a custom basis to ensure the Common Room properly reflects the most important values for your scoring needs.


Score Building and Configuration

Scoring model creation begins in the settings tab of Common Room. Models can be created for both Contacts and Orgs. Each room is allowed to create multiple models but only five models can be enabled at the same time. Once scoring models are enabled they will show as custom fields on Contacts and Orgs and can used and managed in the same manner that other custom fields are in Common Room.

To Configure Scores:

  1. Start by inputting the Score's Name and Description.
  2. Once you have input your basic admin details you can begin to Add Fit or Behavior Rules. Rules are built by choosing a single field, selecting the desired value(s) for that field, and then assigning weights to those value(s).
  3. When Assigning Weight to a Value, you can input many values and assign weights that range from Very Important (4 points) to Important (3 points) to Somewhat Important (2 points) to Slightly Important (1 point). If you have values that are of no importance to you then leave them out of scoring rules and they will not count. Below is a good example of using organization sizes to define a fit rule and how it can map to differing levels of importance.

  4. Once you have gone through and created fit and behavior rules you can apply another Criteria Weight to determine how much fit vs behavior rules weigh in your overall score. To do this, edit the weights that each bucket of rules will receive:

    Scores for Contacts and Orgs will ultimately be calculated by taking the total number of points the record has and dividing it by the total number of points possible. This aggregation and division will happen for fit and behavior rules separately. The output of this will be a percent for each bucket (e.g. Fit = 90% and Behavior = 80%). The percent for each bucket will then be weighted according to your inputs. Let’s say that you used a 50/50 weighting for this example. If you weighted Fit (90%) and Behavior (80%) equally then the end score for the record would be 85%.
  5. The last setting that you will need to set up is Scoring Labels. To make scores easily digestible to end users, Common Room translates the numeric values into a plain language label. You can edit the corresponding ranges of scores that relate to each label. Score ranges are defined by the percent of total points that a record receives when scores are calculated. Scores range from 0-100% of the attainment of the total points possible. If you created a score with two simple rules and a record had values that aligned with Very Important for both rules it would receive a 100% as a score. If you took the same scenario but the record had values that received Somewhat Important for both rules it would receive 50% as a score.

Score Fields

Once scores are created, they will be managed like custom fields in Common Room. To add a score as a key field on a record, navigate to the Common Room Settings page and select the "Fields" tab. In the "other fields" section, select the relevant score field from the list and click "Add to Key Fields."

Scores can also be added to table views in Common Room by adding fields from the table view.

Key Factors

To help your teammates understand why records were scored a certain way, Common Room has supplemented each score with a key factors section for further context. By hovering over a score in Common Room, team members can see the key factors that impacted a record’s score.


What's the difference between Fit vs. Behavior criteria?

Fit attributes are basic observable fields on the Contact or the Org (industry, job title, etc). Behavioral attributes are activities that a user or org is doing, whether its product usage, social activities, etc.

How frequently do scoring models refresh?

Scoring models refresh daily. New contacts or organizations added to your room will be part of the daily run that occurs on the day they were added.

Can Scores be used as field mappings with the Salesforce integration?

Yes, Lead and Account scores are stored as custom fields in Common Room, which can be mapped out to SFDC. If you're interested in implementing this feature, please reach out to your CSM or to assist further.

Is there a limit to how many Scores my team can set up?

By default, you can create 5 scores. However, if your team requires more, please reach out to your CSM or and we will assist further from there.

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