Salesforce Managed Package logoSalesforce Managed Package

Last updated Aug 28th, 2024


The Common Room Salesforce Package is a powerful tool that enhances the functionality of Salesforce to assist with community attribution and pipeline management. This package helps make the integration between Salesforce and Common Room more seamless via pre-configured fields and enables you to manage and track community attributable pipeline and revenue effectively using our widget and reporting.

What’s Included


  • Leads and Contacts:
Common Room
Contact Company
Name of the company that Common Room Contact belongs to
Common Room
Contact Company Domain
Domain of the company that Common Room Contact belongs to
Common Room
Community Engaged
Whether the Common Room Contact was seen in community (this will be true most of the time)
Common Room
Community Qualified
Whether the Common Room Contact met a custom defined criteria for being community qualified. This is typically based on a combination of Contact properties and activities.
Common Room
Community Qualified Date
Date that Contact became community qualified
Common Room
Link to the Contact in Common Room
Common Room
First Active Signal
First community signal in which the Contact was active
Common Room
First Active Date
Date when the first community activity was detected
Common Room
Last Active Signal
Last community signal in which the Contact was active
Common Room
Last Active Date
Date when the last community activity was detected
Common Room
Impact Points (All Time)
Impact points are a measure of how much activity a community Contact has contributed in a community. This field measures this score all time.
Common Room
Impact Points (P12W)
Impact points are a measure of how much activity a community Contact has contributed in a community. This field measures this score for the past 12 weeks.
  • Opportunities:
Common Room
First Active Signal
Community signal in which the associated Contact was first active
Common Room
First Active Date
Date of the first active signal
Common Room
Last Active Signal
Community signal in which the associated Contact was last active
Common Room
Last Active Date
Date of the last active signal
Common Room
Signal Contact
Associated Contact that was linked to the opportunity
  • Accounts:
Number of Active Contacts (All Time)
Total number of active Contacts for the Account
Number of Active Contacts (P12W)
Number of active Contacts over the past 12 weeks
Impact points (all time)
Total impact points across all Contacts in Account for all time
Impact points (P12W)
Impact points across all Contacts in Account for the past 12 weeks


  • A canvas app that can provide more community context on a Lead/Contact or Opportunity/Account directly within Salesforce.

Community attribution reporting

  • Common Room Community Attributable Pipeline
  • Common Room Community Attributable Closed Revenue

Installing the Package and Setting up Fields

  1. Click this link to begin the process to install the Salesforce Managed Package.
  2. Log into the Salesforce instance where you'd like to install the app:
  3. Click "Install for All Users," or select the specific profiles you'd like to have access to the Common Room app. You can also click "View Components' to review what components will be installed in the package. The package includes Fields, Reports, and Flows which interact with the Account, Lead, Contact, Opportunity, and Opportunity Contact Role objects in Salesforce:
  4. Click "Install."
  5. Once installed, you will see an "Installation Complete" message. Afterward, click "Done."
  6. Verify that Common Room's package is installed.
  7. Next, we will review how to add fields in the Common Room application to the page layout of your Salesforce objects (Lead, Contact, Account, and Opportunity). We will use Opportunity as our example.
  8. Click "Opportunity."
  9. Click "Page Layouts"
  10. Select all the fields you'd like to add to the page layout. The fields installed will have "Common Room" at the beginning of each field name.
  11. Click "Save" to add these fields to the page layouts. You can decide which Common Room fields you'd like to add for all other objects where fields have been installed: Lead, Contact, Account, and Opportunity.

Setting up the Widget

Check out our Common Room Salesforce Widget guide on how to set up the Common Room widget for Salesforce!

Mapping Fields

Check out our Salesforce CRM guide for a step-by-step walkthrough on how to map Salesforce and Common Room fields within the platform!

Community Attribution Reporting

The following out of box reporting is included to assist with community attribution:

  • Common Room Community Attributable Pipeline - Opportunities Generated where Common Room data was pushed to the Contact, providing first or last-touch attribution based on Common Room data.
  • Common Room Community Attributable Closed Revenue - Opportunities Closed Won where Common Room data was pushed to the Contact, providing first or last-touch attribution based on Common Room data.

These reports rely on the Common Room Last Active Signal, Common Room First Active Source , and Stage fields on the Opportunity object to determine whether the Opportunity can be attributed to community. When creating a new Opportunity from a Contact, these fields will be automatically associated based on the Contact.


Does Common Room support data-out for Opportunities/Opportunity fields?

No, our data out SFDC sync does not sync to opportunities today so no field mappings are needed. The fields that the managed package is installing are meant to be updated automatically when an Opportunity is created from a Lead. This does not include historical data, Opportunities will only be updated automatically once the package is installed.

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