News and Events

Last updated Aug 28th, 2024


Use news articles and current events about an organization as a signal to better understand their priorities. News and events can hold key context about where a company is focused (e.g. increasing operating margins) or what type of events a company may be responding to (e.g. a data security breach).

Set up

News and events are an out-of the box signal that all organizations in Common Room have. To best use new articles and current events, you can target organizations using news and events filters to help you find articles and events corresponding to specific topics or keyword searches to identify specific signal from the body of the article.

News articles can also be read in their full fidelity by navigating to an organization profile page and scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on the news tab. This view will allow you to see a snippet of the article as well as the full body of the article and a link to it if the article is still live.

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