Advanced Configurations

Last updated Aug 28th, 2024


While most of the installation and configurations for the website visits tracking are relatively straightforward, below are a few advanced configurations that may help you if you need further control.

Disabling Automatic Tracking

If you prefer manual control over tracking:

window.signals = Object.assign([], {
_opts: { autoTracking: false },
// ... rest of the initialization code

Manual Page View Tracking

To manually track page views:;
// or with a specific URL'');

Form Submit Listeners

For third-party form providers, use event listeners to capture submissions. Here's an example for HubSpot forms:

window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
if ( === "onFormSubmitted" && window.signals) {
const values =;
if (values) {
name: values.firstname + ' ' + values.lastname,


If you're not seeing any data:

  1. Check your website's Content Security Policy (CSP) headers. Ensure the following hosts are allowed:
    • connect-src 'self' <;>
    • script-src-elem 'self' 'unsafe-inline' <>
  2. If you're using a Consent Management Platform, make sure to configure the necessary permissions for Common Room tracking.

For further assistance, please contact our support team through the Common Room Slack channel.

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