Preset Contact Cohorts

Last updated Aug 28th, 2024

To help you get started, Common Room automatically surfaces four pre-set Contact cohorts in the left-hand navigation: New and active Contacts, Recently inactive Contacts, Most active this week, and Team members. After you navigate to each Contact cohort, you can apply additional filters to further narrow down the cohort.

New and Active Contact Cohort

This preset view automatically surfaces Contacts who interacted with your brand for the first time or were first active in your community in the last 7 days across your connected signals. This is an important moment for your relationship with this Contact: consider reaching out (either manually or through an automated welcome message), asking how you can help, sharing useful resources, or offering to connect them to a longtime Contact to welcome them to your community.

Recently Inactive Contact Cohort

This preset view automatically surfaces Contacts who were previously in the top 25% of active Contacts in your community, but who have not engaged across your connected signals within the past 7 - 28 days. This may be a good moment to check in with your Contacts to learn about what they’ve been working on or if you can offer any support.

Most Active This Week Contact Cohort

This preset view automatically surfaces your community’s top contributors over the past 7 days, sorted by activity count from most to least within those 7 days. This is a great moment to say thank you, learn more about what they're enjoying in the community, and ask if there’s anything they'd like to see more of.

Team Members Cohort

This preset view automatically surfaces activity from Contacts who work for your organization, sorted by activity count from most to least. In this view, you can see who the most engaged Contacts from your internal teams are, understand which community signals they’re most active in, and which Contacts they’re interacting with.

Great communities are built by organizations and teams that prioritize community. Who from within your team is making contributions in the open? Recognize them and encourage others. Note: The concept of team members applies only to Common Room instances associated with company domains.

Recent Job Changes

This preset view automatically surfaces Contacts who changed jobs in the past six months. This is a great way to stay informed about key people leaving or joining organizations you care about. Teams can easily leverage this view as a way to sell their product or solution to new customers by finding champions from previous customers.

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