Team Alerts

Last updated Aug 28th, 2024


Team alerts allow you to trigger a message to an internal Slack channel when Activity occurs that you and your teams want to know about. Unlike notifications with a simple on/off toggle for a given Contact, Organization, or Segment, alerts can be customized to ensure your team receives only the most relevant updates.

You can customize alerts based on a signal trigger, filters, and destination. This allows you and your team to keep an eye on Contact Activity as it happens directly from the channels you're already working in.

What you want to know
Conditions to narrow the scope
How you receive the info


Before creating a team alert, decide which Slack channel you want to use to send the alerts. You can use an existing channel or create a new one depending on your needs. Once you have a channel ready, follow the setup instructions below to create a pre-built or custom alert.

Create a pre-built team alert

Common Room provides three pre-built team alerts to get you started:

  1. New Slack Contact: Get an alert when a new Contact joins your selected Slack workspace.
  2. New large Organization: Get an alert when a new Organization with more than 500 employees interacts in your community for the first time.
  3. Negative sentiment from an influencer: Get an alert when a Contact with a broad reach that Common Room has automatically tagged as an “Influencer” expresses negative sentiment about your brand.

How to use a pre-built alert:

  1. Open Team alerts and select a pre-built alert.
  2. Add filters to narrow down the scope of your alert.
  3. Choose the Slack workspace and channel that you want to use for the alert.
  4. Connect Common Room with Slack if this is the first time you're creating a team alert. You can review the required permissions here.
  5. Click Create an alert to enable your team alert.

Create a custom team alert

Common Room enables you and your teams to create customized team alerts that allow you to take real-time action across your business. You can create custom team alerts for Contacts, Organizations, and Activity happening across your Contacts.

  1. Open Team alerts and click + Create team alert.
  2. Enter a name and description for your team alert.
  3. Configure a trigger. You can choose a specific Slack community or 'Community-wide' to set a trigger across all of your connected signals.
  4. Select a trigger event that you want to listen to. Note that trigger event options will change depending on the signal you choose.
  5. Configure a filter to narrow down the scope of your team alert to any Organization, Contact, or Activity filters.
  6. Configure an action for how you want to receive the team alert.
  7. Connect Common Room with Slack if this is the first time you're creating a team alert. You can review the required permissions here.
  8. Click Create an alert to enable your team alert.

Manage team alerts

You can set up, view, change, and delete team alerts from the ‘Team alerts’ panel in the left navigation menu.

  • Status: To turn an alert on or off, toggle the alert’s ‘Status’. To change the status of multiple alerts at once, check the checkbox next to the alert names and click 'Turn off' or 'Turn on' at the bottom of the screen.
  • Delete: To delete one or more alerts, check the box next to the alert name and click 'Delete' at the bottom of the screen, or click 'Delete' from an alert detail page.
  • Edit: To edit an alert, click 'Edit' from an alert detail page. If you would like to choose a new trigger, create a new team alert.


What Slack permissions are required to create team alerts?

A full list of the permissions required for Slack team alerts is available here.

What triggers are supported for team alerts?

SignalSupported triggersTrigger event
New Contact join
New Contact joins your Slack community
New Contact post
New post from a Contact in your Slack community
Common Room
New Organization
New Organization engaged in your community
Common Room
New Contact
New Contact joined your community
Common Room
New Activity
New Activity happened in your community
Common Room
New note on Contact
New note posted on a Contact profile
Common Room
New note on Organization
New note posted on an Organization profile
Common Room
When a Contact Org change is detected
Contact changes Organizations
Common Room
When a tag is added to an Activity
This trigger fires whenever an Activity you specify has a tag added that you specify.
Common Room
Run for a set of Contacts
Checks Contacts who meet certain criteria daily, then sends an alert for Contacts who meet the criteria.
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