
Scale personalized outbound with AI

Auto-generate messaging to reach out with relevance.

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Getting started

Personalization and relevance make or break outbound messaging.

But crafting custom outbound for every prospect is a time-consuming task 😩

In this playbook, we’ll show you how to instantly create personalized, relevant messages based on person- and account-level buying signals and fit criteria, send them to your sequencing tool just as fast, and even automate the entire process.

What you’ll need:

Common RoomSales execution platform

Step 1: Create message snippet template

Let’s say we want to create unique, AI-generated message snippets we can insert into outbound sequences for different sales plays.

We’d log in to Common Room, go to Settings (the little ⚙️ icon at the bottom of the left sidebar), and click RoomieAI™.

Select RoomieAI

Next we’d select Create new template.

Select Create new template

From here we can create a bespoke, reusable template that will auto-generate unique message snippets for every contact we outbound 🤖

View message snippet template

We can create multiple templates for different use cases, like simple introductions or messages based on specific buyer actions and attributes.

In this case, let’s say we want to create an intro message snippet aimed at recent job changers.

After we give our template a name and brief description, we can start customizing it.

We’d begin by telling RoomieAI what we want it to do in the Prompt text box. The goal is to provide RoomieAI with a clear objective and any necessary context.

Configure prompt

Next we’d tell RoomieAI which signals and fit criteria we want it to pull from when generating a message snippet.

RoomieAI will use Common Room’s proprietary identity resolution and waterfall enrichment engine—Person360™—to inform its output.


Beyond the last 90 days of tracked activity across the data sources connected to Common Room—like product usage, website activity, and social interactions—we can include both contact- and organization-level details.

This includes contact- and org-specific key fields we’ve previously created in Common Room. Custom and calculated fields can include things like location, role, industry, company size, and more.

In this case, we want RoomieAI to base its messaging on the prospect’s name, title, previous title, previous org, and job start date. We also want it to craft messaging based on the prospect’s current company, so we’d include company name, URL, description, and industry.

Configure signals

Next we’d add more specific directions in the Instructions text box. This is where we tell RoomieAI how we want it to formulate a response.

We can get as granular as we want: messaging channel and circumstances, tone and style, background information, character length—you name it.

We can even tell RoomieAI to assume a certain persona or give it examples of messaging to emulate.

We want to supply RoomieAI with all the details it needs—including any explicit dos and don’ts.

Configure instructions

Finally we’d fill out the About your business text box. This is where we can directly input info about our organization and product.

Adding brand messaging and product positioning helps us make sure RoomieAI talks about our company, product, and value proposition in the right way.

Configure business info

Once we’re done, we’d click Save and preview snippet.

Select Save and preview snippet

If we’re not happy with the example, we can continue refining our prompt and instructions until we’re satisfied with the results.

Step 2: Map message snippet to sequencer

Now that we’ve got a template ready to go, we can map it to our sequencing tool.

We’d click on Signals and integrations in the left sidebar of the Settings menu and select Outreach.

Select Outreach
Sales execution platform integrations

Next we’d click Add mapping.

Select Add mapping

This will add a row of blank boxes to the mapping section below.

We’d click on the dropdown arrow for each box—Select prompt, Select custom field, Select a sequence—and choose which prompt we want mapped to which field in which sequence.

View mapping options

Keep in mind: While you can map multiple snippets to multiple sequences, you can only map one snippet to one custom field.

For this example, we want to map our new “Job Change Intro” template to the appropriate field in our job-change sequence.

Then we’d hit Save and we’re good to go 🙌

Step 3: Generate message snippet

Time to put RoomieAI to the test.

We’d click Back to app and go to any contact-level view in Common Room.

We can generate message snippets directly from a contact’s Person360 profile.

View message snippet options

But let’s say we’ve already created a contact segment for economic buyers who match our criteria for ideal persona and changed jobs in the past six months.


We’d navigate to our segment, click the dropdown arrow next to a prospect’s name, and choose Add to Outreach sequence from the task list options.

Select Add to Outreach sequence

We’d select the sequence our template is mapped to and RoomieAI will instantly spin up a message snippet based on our directions.

We can review and edit the snippet as we see fit before adding the prospect to our sequence from within Common Room.

View message snippet

We can also select multiple prospects at once and add them all to the same sequence simultaneously.

RoomieAI will update its message snippet for each person to make it as personalized and relevant as possible 🥳

Step 4: Automate personalized outbound

Now that we’re confident in this play, we can put the whole process on autopilot 🛩️

We’d go to Workflows in the left sidebar, click New workflow, and select Add to Outreach sequence.

Select Add to Outreach sequence

We’d click Add filter and select our job-changer segment.

Configure filters

Then we’d select the Outreach sequence our AI messaging template is mapped to and confirm which mailbox it should come from.

Configure sequence

We’d click Save and now every person in this segment will automatically be added to our sequence and receive a personalized, relevant message auto-generated by RoomieAI.

Wrapping up

We’re off to the races 🏎️

Now you can auto-generate personalized, relevant message snippets for every contact for different sales plays, sequence them in a snap, and even automate the process from end to end.

Want to see a playbook on a different topic? Get in touch. And if you haven’t already, try Common Room for free.

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